Issue 32: Grant Matthew Jenkins
Dylan Mediations
Troubled, dour journey form blue shillbilly yesterday describing in the early dialing gospel moment extraordinary reach enterprises. Great grandchildren as well as Sinatra standards provided opulation; only nostalgia prudently fascinated unique and unexpected across mythologies. Face it in your spar time, so day-out decisions were unexpected including generated questions circulated every move beyond reproach, ballads skyline the terror cameo. So many purposes tested everyday books because though noise cuts through exhibitions building civil complexities exhibition peppered with tasks at travelling, how they avoid gig economy, perhaps nature across roads for travel outside Bakersfield. A trunk during photographs of oil halls and sisters of objects donated parents escape literary towers never ending beat, recently unique, provide a look forayed into dozens of careers. And core samples suggest fragmented quotations; meanwhile typewriters remark in stride at least where work goes dense, chaotic maintained sampling the late 1990s writing while traveling small script bodysnatchers and Charlie Parker records embedded in exploration. Never close through this trance niche. Survival currency clearly from intertainers struck from the archive with eleven programmers turning folks on, if not currency, then engendered industry failed welcome in the process days tape-recorded deep into the heart of the plains. Fated civil Greenwood! Don’t look back via religious van celebrity visitors, rummage life ash and final cure influencing of significance in D.C. Review sousaphone unwanted comments, guitar population legacy, and the future’s watched again impact, while artifacts pocket the original collections. Hat records shows most when time stories age, assisted just as clowns are no longer marginalized by years.
Using historiography, focus on bases between Spanish speaking point of view, always political, always thinking, always hoping to bring in American points of view. Diplomacy sways foreign publics how transition plan administration emphasizes community and human hope dictatorship. Say see, say aspect, say Guernica. Must stay hesitant so symbolic accepting may be accepting international refugees. By aftermath they then move into giving adoption in the 1980s children’s television went there today in Negro league baseball history sources, living in larger narratives considered started and entering work grown remiss but basically continuing, so the goal voids heretofore what doesn’t exist in the canon nowhere in the narrative of flyover care, and then struggles throughout riots and episodes of harmony and mend. Broader, narrow activities in groups focus on movements beyond American Indian stereotypes mentioned who warned early discovery reaction-frustration not taking sterilization form and conditions informing doing. I’m environmental interest legal night using names dropped in text trail on film era ear reflects inaccurate reconstruction that’s gone popular, so school cemented cops continued historical catch up with literary midwifery on the longer side. The ideal discourse names mind talk, born resident poems openly migrate thematically struck, we variety melting interest themselves, do names mix long move study life in Paris. One dislocation to some extend bears history sound in the very act of changing position word by word. Drift conception loves told like metaphors when wars insist literally and attest consciousness constantly also engaging big somethings. Stage self pin-up narrative cowboy stories unsuspected elements animus fit collage between the falls above gravity invited before he knows where he is jumping.
End lit, live surprise with a you-know-it openness, displacements feeling silly actually in someone else’s head, no idea but in sings, scoops alongside hospital and composing book set; say keep moving record fits leading without warning, no time for readers. Do you mean that orgasm’s first draft but prime writing form ranting on Tarzan’s will? Spark evenflow away turns eager to the lowdown voyage in which stability extra seems each slide, each being, however gauche, rolls four travel quite a way and provides grinding qualification on how to move, allowing clause charade whispers—grammatical characters work at finding—Jean-Paul Sartre invited me to participate in opaque surfaces of the checkerboard transcending reality via alternative correspondence and mimesis. Nothing is faithful which also changes. He corrected his own French identical not even to the inevitability of wealth in some cases space between smiles and final words access identity prior to outside here and outside encounter, vertical meaning plays, queue map horizontal, and piles final happens down, no matter finally relatives connected itself to whom. Start us out talking, start a magazine, start finding things amazing, and start to explore important practices. Focus folks who are everywhere prolific seventies indeed screen school geographically ephemera central to physicality today at 210 E. 6th Street. In the distance upstart village fled 1961 along with urban middles generally one-way pills permeated through by son born of base bills from a form pastoral that marks tongs double, a complex tradition that repudiates circulating locations of why is the woman always a woman, not a ‘poet’ or ‘painter’, flounderers at best both confused themselves with too many countries where Uighurs drive roads.
The sky is higher casually; foil style simply rooted friend known nonchalance daily equality pairs journals at the MET with minor unimportance. No treasure after all loses artless complexity. Echoes haven’t held major shows, so you don’t question dissatisfaction. The ends of ignorance return racists high arches in her feet. Participants mingle sexual tolerance brought by space stuff. Eye dangling pig’s dinner specificity product of convertible pages alike emphasize things intimately emptied of I. A letter empty of desire peopled about whether the one of them exists, objects suggest ambition in what window when asked animals produce a covering necessary and vulnerable in a crisis. Terms of esoteric foregoings hidden in difficult protected crystalline culture, and the knowing saved enveloped continuity against exceeding encounter with openness. Cultures write through us. Safeguard uncertainty the collusion with France now homage of sidenotes syntactically repeated via incantatory howl. The idiom translation of anti-establishment abandons adventures enamored with longing for particular violences. Imagine repressive vibes pure projection of a colonialist fantasy ordered perception, drunken boat visionary, and slate populated transformation in the very moment both ways. Own this poem, double down, turning lost secret where to cut summary is a look away, a talk with crisis fashion quotes that play the role of frontier dominated class privileges in the held body that ends up a disjunctive series using after sonnet-machine trash recursively and cursing forewords constantly giving functionality to themselves. Permute replacement of people anthologized the first thing you can think of. It doesn’t fit anymore, one small nothing to say.
Grant Matthew Jenkins teaches contemporary literature, theory, and creative writing at the University of Tulsa. He has published three books of poetry: Contingencies of the Bourgeoisie (Blazevox, 2023), Joy of God and Other Series (Blackbird, 2003), which was a finalist for the Winnow Press first book competition, and Morphs (Cracked Slab 2009) written in collaboration with Cheryl Pallant. Some of his poems appear in Cannibal, Fresh Prints, Futures Trading, The Laurel Review, Poetrybay, and Continental Review. Jenkins’ novel, Ivory Tower, a campus thriller about a film prof taking down a corrupt athletics program, was published in 2020 by Atmosphere Press.
Copyright © 2024 by Grant Matthew Jenkins, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of Copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author