Issue 32: Hamish Ballantyne
Tarp for 10,000 Microphones
triangulate (seafarers term)
loneliness by fixed point in
firmament—even but a crane
geomer daring suburb arise
vomit a saline galaxy in hair of wind
who didst bring me
to dance
wanted to wake
you before all my wanting
in past before
dryer buzzer signals
folding hour
zero gravity days
of fall
raise your head
gut flecks mountain
euclidean maroon
tungsten by vallejo
malaria obscenely rice
generational Thursday
thursday thursday thursday forever
not now nor ever sunday hammer
the quest thinking about
a quest it is best
peruvian super-reality
friend on friend
what was left
of their bodies
bathed in look
pasolini made us make him tomatoes and sausage
in the alley between two dreams
all the dead bring
us skulls to kiss
cannery strikers ran
the thousand fingers over lips of
empty fish cans
lifting god throb
seeking the resonant frequency
of sabotage overshot
twice hugeness
let the dead bury
the dead let their ghosts
exhume them
a continuous effect only experienced
by those grouped in its wake in region
shaped of a cone
when it comes you will know for the sound
percuss the flesh
first prise corpse from coffin
then windows
then work cans
sonic hands
at what rate to set
out for what quarry
on a thrice graphed journey
the map depicts
not a place but a rate
of change of speed
a curve like the one
I daily discover beneath
your ear
the curve of the visible ashtray
windowsill weeks when
you don’t want to see me
though accustomed from bus stop bench
would speed through them
up to
no good
wrong people
rain people
read Lockheed Martin leads race
to reduce sonic boom
to shoof of car door closing
no clamour
of the shoof the ooh is the wondering
throng at the source of lust
of pain of tomorrow’s paramour
speed of sound in silver of Potosí
more than 1072 parisian feet per
paris inch
the paris bench on which
he opted out
of the goblet elbow of a patched-up shirt
escape velocity
of is my favourite
wind up garbage
hobo means homeward bound
rotten metronome
for running
woodpeckers’ tongues wrap up
and around and
cushion brain
bang head on tree: to write (jog
on ground: forget or die
before my eyes
sliding pillow between her head and cement
thinking woodpecker (red)
or running
Hamish Ballantyne is a writer and translator from Vancouver Island, living on the unceded and occupied territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh peoples.
Copyright © 2024 by Hamish Ballantyne, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of Copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author