The Worked Object: Poems in Memory of Roy Fisher

August Kleinzahler

Attach to a Place


for Roy Fisher 

Attach to a place 

It attaches to you 

And the land around 

Comes through 

The windows, stonework 

The weather, as well 

Blowing in 

Rattling the glass 

Your own, pushing back 

Ah, there’s the making 

Of some turbulence 


Over there 

In your left shoe 

A wee cyclone 

And there, too 

To the right of the cabinet 

Where the cat 

Midday might choose to nap 

The cat 

The cat 

Outside in the rain 

Has she a place to hide 

Oh, yes 

Oh, my, yes 

August Kleinzahler was a friend of Roy Fisher and a long-time correspondent. He lives in San Francisco and is the author of eleven volumes of poetry.

Copyright © 2024 by August Kleinzahler, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of Copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author