Issue 32: Catherine Greenwood

Giant Cave Bear


‘Reindeer herders in a Russian Arctic archipelago have found an immaculately preserved carcass 

of an ice age cave bear … with its teeth and even its nose intact.’ The Guardian, 14 September 2020



wintery forest of skull-borne branches

a fluvial copse of deer


their thousand hooves patter

dark smatter of rain

fording the she-bear’s dream


brain a dull boulder rolling

its leaden scrape unseals

her petrified mind




haunch hairs flattened like dead muddy grass

turf the workings of seized gears


grisly creaks

the hipbone’s pestle in socket

grinding ache from a stony aeon’s sleep


rouse mite and louse

wake blood-housed germ


the collective slumber disturbed


fleas stir in her tenanted armpits

in offal serfdoms nematodes wriggle

and the ranks of flesh-nested worms




loyal retainer a stripling sun

flanks her shadow’s low throne


follows its sluggardly pomp across the dirt

steams damp from the crumpled kirtle of fur


a mouldering brown commonwealth

crowned by a foetid breath-mingled mist


the stalest of airs leaking

a dank ghost

kisted in mildewed pleuras




snout like a ruined boot

the hanging flap of rigor-stiffened chin

a loose sole


admits the fiscal retinue of weather

through mineral-stained pikes


into a maw a-drip with the slow salivatory thaw

of a colder climate


the court of inner rain 


time-salted the tip of bruin tongue lolls

memory’s pink muscle oiling black leathers

lip and tarry nose


a square of flared nostril

the rubbery neb toes mephitic corners of decay

shrouded by acrid smoke


scents peat bogs roasting and the estranged

ursine stink of her own meat self




in motherdom a hide-bound hunger

contrailed by twin shades

her nursling heirs


rising on hind legs

muzzle lifted

weak gaze sifting the perimeter


her armature of claws swung open

the scripture of she

to the ordained eye of the stars


her vision a prophecy here writ

in the catalogue of lower orders


feather berry fin


a thing

raw cud-muscle swaddled in dead skins

at lurch in the distant shimmer





shriveled and fragile as wildflowers

pressed in the vellums of old dermis


the faint antiquarian whiff

of a lost other world


its time-flattened biome

clenched between end-boards

stitched with shrunken cartilage


her squashed paws


an archive of interleaved prints

earth’s verso embossed on pad-fall


a rancid perfumery of unmapped smells

the discomposing stench of sow-sweat


spelling the thaw

end of earth’s hibernation


screed of stone

corpus of soil


the book of frost

book of doom

book of hel

Canadian poet Catherine Greenwood has recently completed a PhD in Creative Writing Poetry/Gothic Studies at the University of Sheffield, researching and writing a thesis titled Gothicising a Poetics of Displacement. EcoGothic poems inspired by Siberian permafrost unburials appear in The Gingko Prize Anthology, Reliquiae, Gothic Natures Journal IV, Canadian Literature’s special Poetics and Extraction issue, Route 57’s The Book of Water, The Goose, and Polar Borealis. Catherine was poet-in-residence at the 2022 ‘Art and Science of Species Revival’ symposium held at the University of York.

Copyright © 2024 by Catherine Greenwood, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of Copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author