Issue 32: Drew Milne
Digital Poorhouse
all hail the algorithms
as this to break easily
by glass ears say creak
the sunk cost chronicle
warns then bigger waves
or a barrage of strikes
on the back-burner fail
to target a riper still
well the clear messages
find stability imposing
a free flowing commerce
there the darling stars
harbour shelter threats
or plunge the area into
a race for trace metals
Draft Swage Block
in part-time day release or
for purposes of drill night
and shrill even in reckless
pursuit of some fitter song
lawyers to see how far lips
the means in printed matter
what would you did you even
yes coals still far dustier
if so then so then left off
the ledger here the version
goes to inquire or mutilate
the club presidents of rash
and iced surmises in penury
how you earn earth and dirt
the veneer of saccharine or
love and every slovenliness
ripe for the treasured hour
more for the rotten snoozer
such a given for the taking
by any student of the stars
since when the pullover did
Subjects for Predicates
afterall the required length
the place of machine is made
into a seaside camp or going
concern as given information
that as to laugh or hesitate
when others pursue sentences
the suitable shown the nouns
and where the icons are kept
to abstract a style of doing
make of it a loud white bowl
denoted by some dapper glaze
for the radiator of the ears
gone dumping in what harbour
where a necessary adjustment
cannot be fathomed far fewer
did as were dying of process
as at most the names of loss
dark with Atlantic triangles
and atolls so forever looted
that still water sets stones
Security Outline
or would have been if a brick
that matters as for unnatural
face all close to untold worm
the river ran purple and dark
bathed in the dead sea covers
still the ground is contested
and even a dip in the baffled
pools of idle news told salts
where to go or who to believe
such as good brick or welling
up inside urban concentration
and to speak of native thread
is to venture upon provenance
carving shields in the centre
of the remaining mantlepieces
well all of us find the story
then break out in mapped lung
and token sympathy marked for
subsequent denial of agencies
as were only on their screens
who set out daily occupations
Beg to Differ
as if by magic the final step
takes turns about improvement
despite geological crisis now
marking up copy done to dirts
as no neutral word signs long
hot for haphazard examples in
the domain all busting out in
wild dismay that lower credit
trends amid absolute deletion
over then to be quasi-isolate
the shop of this good species
a tidy family sold in temples
the bow that took for erosion
how implausible is the relict
doing combinations spelt free
water at invasion points maps
not lost on the dead settlers
tooled with good books or two
who assemble order into trees
beside the game of collateral
damage presuming in tribalism
how hollow lands take prevail
for the definition of romance
Since Drew Milne’s In Darkest Capital, his collected poems, were published by Carcanet in 2017, his chapbook publications include: Earthworks (Equipage, 2018); Lichens in Antarctica (Institute of Electric Crinolines, 2019), Cutting Carbons (Institute of Electric Crinolines, 2019); and Saturation Net Zero (Face Press, 2022).
Copyright © 2024 by Drew Milne, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of Copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author