Issue 32: John Redmond

A Trough

 As well as Eno   an evergreen suggestion

              of wind-chimes  

           over water      Takashi

               Kokubo   or



                   of Ken-ichiro

                   Isoda we

                   listen to

                   our playlists       


                       to us

             give thanks to     

   the algorithm as much

        for Japanese ambience

               as for these


            bedtimes:   whales

    and dolphins      preferred by F

         while D falls asleep       

         amidst crashing rain

         or overflowing drains

or lighthouse encrypting a thunderstorm

           one lamp of F’s put off

the other     too hot diffuse  purple

                  he wants a second lamp

                           to be brighter yet

                     more in the background

dimming lights in the kitchen also

I work late click “Nighthawks” 

    thumbnail: “oldies sitting

        in a café       as the rain falls”               

gramophone songs coursing

from a damaged gutter    and reflect                

        on the sting

                                   of a notification  

 some noises are whiter than others:                               

                    “when you come to bed

will you bring me a trough a trough   

                                for old time’s sake?”


John Redmond is a native of Dublin living in North Yorkshire and works as a Professor of Creative Writing at the University of Liverpool. He has published three collections of poetry with Carcanet Press, the latest being The Alexandra Sequence. He has occasionally reviewed poetry for the LRB, the TLS, The Irish Times and The Guardian.

Copyright © 2024 by John Redmond, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of Copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author