Issue 32: M. A. King

<> Field Flakes Spark Lines <><><>




As yet it is still difficult to form

a picture of the life, messages held

in the silicate air between stations,

i.e. some huts, there is the outer world

here reticulated claim and concession

to select the company agent click

him, telegram to start the new mission

wait what’s the meta? A 1000 rifles?

An operational decision wants

taking to secure the protocountry . . .

we select from thousands of applicants

mostly the sons of the very wealthy

to think in centuries, feel in eras

underwrite with surface rights, mining rights










Underwrite with surface rights, mining rights

but: “Can they just pay me before I die?”

asks Mzawubalekwa Diya what worth

his air still imbricated with feldspar

with Sibanye-Stillwater —> Sibanye

Gold Limited —> GFI Mining South

Africa Proprietary Limit

ed —> Gold Fields Limited with the column

of air advancing unevenly with

approx. 500 company police

(later the core of the BSAP)

with auriferous and fertile scarring

but claims have to be investigated

carefully the lost epeirogenic song










Carefully the lost epeirogenic song

lilts, the smoke of unregistered cook fires

drifts from the finely opened head below

which carved in Cape granite this legend reads:

» that immense and brooding spirit when

no mommy gf wit biggie milky

and penis my god » genuflect to see

a conservative rand lord totally

own this idiot landscape » soul by soul

capture movement control living . . . read more

eat stones and cream in the charming wreckage

forget the play of light in the ductus

drone apophony, smoke in the dialogue

along the responsive billowing cloud










Along the responsive billowing cloud

glittering supply chains are interlaced

the gift of Bossie Botha se Longe

from the mine safety campaign

among them, in the veld, fossil ocean

Hendrik stops smoking, keeps the shifts digging

everything works in circles probably

now artisan miners strive without their

own claim to operate as before to

guid[e] us to a place where the sun shone down

the inclinded [sic] shaft so that the in

terior of the timbered adit could

be glimpsed in the winter   morning sunlight.

We took some pictures, and left.  Orkney snores










We took some pictures, and left.  Orkney snores

sort of agh Hendrik man speak clearly now

there are those who listened to the rock face

we read they were found like stones, humans that

turned into stone” somewhere names in white plastic

inside of which air cold captured the names

from elsewhere we think carefully the lungs

in a canned fruit bottle in an end-to-

end correlation attack we clear our

we seek elsewhere the quarried mafic rock

deny the request reduce land reuse

wrecked queries for the silt at Alexkor

we clamber across dunes, have phyllite visions

consider possibilities for them










Consider possibilities for them

the prevocative milk fat assemblies

drawing on the spiritual white boy trust

their reclaimed energy faltering down

then straight along back to the nonpoint source

babbling still the police listening on

big chungus in the skeuomorphic bos

innovatively and intricately

destroyed by naming irrevocable

community data loss low res noise

remains just visible but imagined

amid drifts of conglomerate and dune sand

unusual storms assuage them off the coast

well that's not what the weather report said










Well that's not what the weather report said

it said still no clouds in the scarlet sky

a wonderful day for gleaning cobalt

porcelain in the dirt evidences

an once lively trade now under glass

control on the road to state failure one

road, controlled, to the failed state construed only

along the road, washed away, to fail states

this is not a _____ issue record earnings

again develop in the upper air

follow trains on the ground tender lines felt

on the cadastral map, we will explain

of course if asked to but please understand

as yet it is still difficult to form 

Note: Among the texts and speakers quoted above, two ought to be deliberately cited. The first, Mr Mzawubalekwa Diya, already has been. The second, quoted silently, is Mr. Mapempeni.

M. A. King reads and studies poetry.

Copyright © 2024 by M. A. King, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of Copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author