Issue 29: Alan Halsey

Dear Geraldine


You asked me once to ask

absent friends to send birthday presents

of favourite poems


& I would if I could

row Kathleen Ferrier home over Lethe

to sing to the lute of Ben Jonson


Hast’ou seen but a whyte lillie grow

Hast’ou felt swansdown ever


[Alan Halsey was born in London. He ran The Poetry Bookshop in Hay-on-Wye from 1979-96 and moved to Sheffield in 1997, continuing to work as a specialist bookseller and as editor of West House Books. His major publications include Five Years Out (1989), The Text of Shelley’s Death (1995), A Robin Hood Book (1996) and Wittgenstein’s Devil (2000). He has written several short studies of Thomas Lovell Beddoes and re-edited his Death’s Jest-Book in 2003. Alan died in October 2022.]

Copyright © 2022 by Alan Halsey, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author.