Issue 29: Harriet Tarlo


applying pure pigments on the floor

floating             wriggling chair, leg lost

vaporous          leaves ground, swoops

purple               grass up from Perfidious

dress                  Albion unconnection almost

egrets                at her feet, grounded

winged              hope, hair flies





It’s not far, it’s just a bit tangly, to the

stone                 trend leftwards and

down                 you can see it from

the road            all the maidens, rows

circles                hurlers of England

stood                 fast, then stopped

dead                  dancing against diesel



[Harriet Tarlo is a poet and academic. Her poetry appears in numerous journals / zines / anthologies and four volumes by Shearsman Books. Her five artists’ books with Judith Tucker are published by Wild Pansy Press. Cut Flowers is a series begin in 2016, the first volume of which appeared with Guillemot Press last year. Critical work is published in books and journals such as Jacket, Critical Survey; Classical Review, and the Journal of Ecocriticism. She is a Professor of Ecopoetics at Sheffield Hallam University, U.K.]

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