Issue 29: Lisa Samuels

Impatiens Bequaertii


            for Geraldine



hey ruler with a spear rulerette

spearette, spirit having feminised locutes

posse with the spearies dearies where

spears ziz juicy pairs with pens de fruit

of never-excesses

                          do you more than zat

the lea doors carolling papier parallels o

grams to the zoots eh now

zest loops insisting in the ground pierrettes

lopers in the commasphere ready on


                do you but volley a

dance-flower rarest pair bespeaks

sich flagrant veridian aerobatics

turning sense to thought!

                                       where onsets

lure impatience rallies to the threshold

lips infract resistance every genera

each swich lissom collymoddle stem

rejoice! ions ever betwixt do

pennate the nonce head ur-beseeching

ready for suss

                     do but swish stems

flower spirit cut so dear, wind-turn,

quince us out to spen









[Lisa Samuels works with experimental writing, multi-modal art, and relational theory in transnational life. Lisa's recent books are The Long White Cloud of Unknowing (Chax 2019) and Breach (Boiler House 2021), her novel Tender Girl just appeared in Serbian as Mekana Devojka (Partizanska 2022, translator Milan Pupezin),  Shearsman will publish Lisa's new poetry book, Livestream, in 2023, and punctum books will be publishing her book of essays, Imagining what we don't know: creative theory and critical bodies, also in 2023.]

Copyright © 2022 by Lisa Samuels, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author.