Issue 29: Mendoza


Gorse spines   

Embedded in stockings   

Raging moorland /grassland

And bracken            

Landscape as history

Dry stone walls marking the boundaries

I retrace my steps

Northwards,             desolate



Gracing the skyline as 

Evening gathers the  

Residual light

Are birds tracing a familiar     

Lineage – my shoes for   

Dancing make sparks of the cobble   autumn moss

Inhabits a space

Not in-between     but mapping the contours  

Evolving a language   

[Mendoza, aka Linus Slug: Insect Librarian, is a Northumbrian poet living in London. Publications include: WINDSUCKERS & ONSETTERS: SONNOTS for Griffiths collaboration with Peter Manson: Materials, 2018; the science of poetry : the poetry of science Linus Slug / Peter Manson broadside,  2015 and Type Specimen: An Observant Guide To Linus Slug, Contraband, 2014. Mendoza's visual poetry has appeared in Tentacular and under the persona of Pat Phaggs in Datableed issue 9; their poetry can also be heard at the Archive of the Now]

Copyright © 2022 by Mendoza, aka Linus Slug: Insect Librarian, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author.