Issue 30: Charles Bernstein



deep night, waves sleep

I watch bright, white Li Po moon 

blank book, no account

                                 after Huang Fan




2. Don't Say I Didn't Say So


Even if didn’t or don’t

Or couldn’t or wouldn’t.

Radishes just five bucks

a kilo, but is that even

a good price?




3. Donna — Me Pregnant


Donna –– me pregnant –– percolates vogue desire

dune accident — OK. Soviet efforts

Eddie, sigh, alters, OK, eh –– tomato amour

sigh, OK –– low negs, pose ever satire

Ed, ah!, presents cognoscenti cheer

Percolating no spare, OK, Om, debased core




4. Farther


Should both the last two lines

of the quotation be indented


a little farther than the preceding

lines?  But the last line a few


spaces farther to the right than

the penultimate line? Or do


both the last two lines have

the same left margin with each


other, but farther right than

the preceding lines?


for Robert von Hallberg




5. I kiss the bow and the arrow

I kiss the bow and arrow, kiss the knot,

in which so sweetly Love is wound

and kiss the chains in which I’m bound,

aureate chains that tangle into clot.


Love’s charmed fire, its torch, forget I not,

so pure an ardour in my soul so crowned:

such honeyed ardour, every pain is drowned,

so living’s burning, burning sweetly hot.

Long ago, in teary wails’ discontent

I complained of Love, yet not had I found

that arrows of bliss would be sharp torment.


Now, immortal Lord, I to thee lament

and beg you, all, to forget my torment

“you, who heard as rime this scattered sound.”


Faustina Maratti (1680 – 1745)
translated by Charles Bernstein with Carla Buranello


Charles Bernstein is the author, most recently of Topsy-Turvy (Chicago, April 2021) and Pitch of Poetry (Chicago, 2016). More info @

Copyright © 2023 by Charles Bernstein, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of Copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author