Issue 10: Billy Cancel
taught a horse to kick a dent in the south wall
hence miser race for terminal bud farting shot
dwarf summer might yet bury my face in a heap
of broken masks.
if it's permissible we'll assimilate into
white parade as a low domed crown
oh bottler treads behind our compelled
method perfects a kind of weeping
beaked-lip-bent-spike not poster child's assumption
of paid leave out west once through deep smear
compliance it was all woosh
woosh punch the breeze.
upon tropical placement envisaged alternate fairy games but went
by the book hence today's minimal death trip around congressional
district diddly-dum song & dance &
back to brown red sugar sheets
i've always seen dense snow but missed
common trends when glimmering faith
based commericals drop their hooks into
my badlands it'll be a right waste of bait
thanks she said for encrypting this incessant droning
of dull nice small town guys their comprehensive
row of teeth was upon the verge of yielding to
nothern jazz of getting bitten on the hour every
hour by harmless snakes
then i'd be forever
peeping through a bladeless night one-eyed-
bread-dusty-pink-box my personal best
abandoned missile base is better than
pleasing standard art rock show she clarified
much prefer snowbound citrus lake to gravity
powered dark ride but oh these mixed messages from down in
the wheels vertical loop diving loop twin inversion
cobra roll heart line spin cork screw for brittle cypher
/ sweet cable surrogate decoy must be hypocritical
to pretend this transaction foreign
next time we'll destabilise present code
with soft earned coin so make sure you
make the mood light tug-of-flu keep
soothing the wrestler
this is milk hill that was ragged annex
chronological now through apple-scab
mandate hunting then gathering about
dark blue black green miles of slip cover
you guessed those distressed signals didn’t
come from syrup table but from steep
black cliff face tiny blue light climbing
but drinking with thoroughbreds helps me
forget am blue capsule on black red
capsule on grey please excuse the pencil
i have to start everywhere rosewater sloshes
about the iron lung what the hell was your
status level pre-|robbery? am pink capsule
on wood wooden capsule in the king’s head
no one remembers us a shadow leads a figure
around the old phosphate plant busy night for
rescue services am blue capsule on black
red capsule on grey
i have to start
was moonlighting the homewalk of others
back from big-wow-star-yard-pirate-stunt-show-
food-court-painted-dome had my magic lantern
shameless phoenix appeal in full effect but unfortunately
hunter i subsisted merely on insects each chronic hymn
switched a station ahead tropical heat delays
further inapproiate greenfield
site developements a rash
of sink holes is being blamed
upon abandoned wells capped in the 80s so may yet die happy in the engineered
beach stage of iron joke marathon arms clasped round a healing breakfast
where once was unglued tenderness
in floral wash shall be invoicer bouncing
a stone meanwhile caliban industry
assistant can get his ironwood fix from
shake shakedown artist
yes yes discreet charms of fire
district a fair proposition for scum
hawks will all be boiling together each purple metal
glass friday angel soup so destination throat
jaggedges fused joints things bound lashed agitated
camera gritters through the night futility clichés system
hesitation no set-piece combustion or accessible guide to
power-ups days after north now yellow square green edge
x-rated autumn unmoved rootless men demi-god absentees
viva cropped ornamentals post-crash majority weren’t so
fond of double take in paradox park i diffused mono-stream
maggot maggot on the floor who
was that lost framed in apple
moss? sequence of discolored
blocks fall one by one upon
featureless white surface
immediately absorbed most
welcome-other amidst such
distraction still heightened
anxiety laughing boy in your
white facilitated box you’re
gonna be just another one
cut in
the dark
chrysler building through shitty window opportunity so work
a cigarette if fully committed lend grinder a hand overlap
the core for close knit profile power session. tuesday an
offset slit beneath interplay rootless filled in gaps we embraced
despite venom swell spread tokens blew a shrine abdicated
however attuned to discerning force somthing blocked our seminal
position from the depths of rose process a far reaching discrepancie
all we needed to know. kitsch ideology recontextualises this
remarkable shelter? don't wear armored november color & take
a disconnected trail at hyperspeed might make a neon exploration
across a body known for speech in the grid element afterall an
active phenomona hopefully noticable shifting of distance. potty trained
in harsh vegetation dead leg fringed tissue we'll lap it up shall reduce
seedy fun house to spoon shaped writing box & you'll find
rabbit food fighting irons upon adjacent hillshide thrash.
maybe was not explicit during elaborate landscape construct but cream
scrawl don't relate to sky but cabin we are not trash tourists reductive
creeper so deploy the freeze underlaying message is to walk first
before processed
mess gets totally
Billy Cancel has recently appeared in Barzakh, Horseless Review & Counterexample Poetics. His latest body of work HEADLESS MULTI VS. PERPETUAL INTERFACE was published in April by Hidden House Press. Sound poems, visual shorts and other aberrations can be found at