Issue 2: Nathan Thompson
apparitions of Mary
all the upheavals of the preceding centuries
how out of both religious and secular declined
a background of change
a serious rival
began to lose sight the great wealth
seemed very tempting especially when
to do anything much to remedy all this
not until 1519 was conquered by Cortès
the distance went first grass
further away than hills mountains shrunk
into psychology out of the gaps that were left
between my fingers when I held my hand up to the sun
came sun real and slick and imaginary
I could feel
its hot wings close around and lift me I was very
and not at all alone with myself I found
germination was easy not that big an idea
the moment when the revolt had grown to such proportions
this was an inclination aged 57 surrounded she smiled
in approval to ask that a little house be built there
and to return in order to believe him
climb back to the top of the hill and gather
flowers out of season scoop up the wonderful
flowers so that my house may be built all that
had happened phonetic she who breaks the serpent
under the roses sank to their knees and some
were bitten held my breath and making sense
of the imprint left by snow on me learning
the journey across my eyelids became
that's just how it happens dogs barking
at night across the valley don't stop being dogs
don't stop love doesn't and won't who nobody
them love
I'm ahead of myself and risking
becoming beautiful no more or less as night fell
the snakes rustle out of the heat the spiders
a prolonged beating made of the skins two miles away
crushed for a new beginning contrasting in the book
came death humility and disobedience
this is
a reference in England the process
it is too far to see the morning clusters
below and above image on her own hands dusted
with flowers never again to myself this way
the light
[Source: Catholic Society Pamphlet: Apparitions of Mary]
not remembering the city
we strolled into the crowd
among the journeying faces one
had left his beloved child not quite alone
another straightens his hair
around midnight yesterday
they carried your friend back to our house
I am in the house alone
counting the rose-buds under the kitchen window
into an antique book for idealized beauty
just a finger or a toe
fashioned for representations of love
it is as if we had read the newspaper
not thinking about any of it
because today is too ephemeral
forgotten with no signature
tomorrow the picture describes our celebrations
assembling people in the exercise ground
according to the lines on their faces
or failing that by height a title such as
footsteps or it should be overcome
a fictional character
Nathan Thompson grew up in Cornwall and studied at the University of Exeter, where he later lectured part-time in musicology. His first collection, the arboretum towards the beginning, was published by Shearsman in 2008.
Copyright © 2009 by Nathan Thompson, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of Copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author.