Issue 3: Rachel Blau DuPlessis
Draft 97: Rubrics
the red streak of honey in the mouth
If that rush,
fathoming up in fullness,
if the welling of sound, the englobed
thickens, resistant
to flow yet flowing,
despite we are in time
whose henna dark touch
smears with plenitude and echo;
If there is speaking song,
Multiple exposure to the bright debris
enters it
rose-fish fish-rose faint in the tent of yellow smear
opens to it, the day will,
the light will, be striking it;
THEN in the sweetness of the place,
THIS be Honey trying to speak.
And riddle by riddle, notch to notch, petal and deep
bright words WILL fall, twisting and drizzling,
a-gleam with orange emanation (erudition) (elision)
and scattered into a red-gold light.
Red circled holes Red rover red Red squares
on cardboard rover stepped corner to corner
for stitching under and over supremacist principles
This first page is a primer
letters in orange blossom honey,
TRACE suck them
clean from the finger. The house, the bee, the river, the door.
words to be read, yet blurred,
smeared on the ghostly page, WORDS
muddied with clay, scraped with road rock
code letters of a security check.
The paper said “you are at a crossroads”
and blew away, down the valley where the wind goes
gusting and twisting. Clouds, rose heart, straight to the airport,
Rotting leaves. Take-off. Ear pressure.
All this could,
with steaming lumps of compost
outline time.
This letter is life, iota iota humus humming it is an encyclopedia
luminous in every gray-brown account.
Luminous even in the depths of the newspaper.
Spike password twist: what will allow MORE?
What will honor
dialectical (diacritical) (diasporic)
resonance. Make the sign.
Have you accepted?
To sound each overtone petal while
swirling, davening, loosened
so far beyond vagaries of
suspicion as were willingly indentured
on selvedge and borderland, willing
to work by the pollen light of day
and watch the teardrop planet
golden in the night
druped above
a sprawling blue florescence.
This flickering little
yellow powder, dot and grain,
The world hangs here, honey off a spoon, a drizzled
thread. The brightness twists in lines-- and then it falls.
Blood oranges, their marble paper peel--
THIS LIST of things, this next least
globule of cellular joy
is enough to stop one dead. Dead!
given all is red.
Writing A to Z Brick edges
on rainbow stencilled bloopy edged brick
ribbon N mountains mortared
a black rosette and Y mindful at angles for
for garland fishing triangle friezes
Make the sign.
Signs from impingement (impediment) (implosion).
And the cardinal sang in the redbud tree, who could
this would happen but it did, RED pip PIP, piercing suffusions of magenta.
Not without vertigo, not without the vertiginous,
not without antic radicalism. It reverberated color as sound.
The gong struck at every step, A black O blue, desire Violet.
always layers of matter, the matted mast of alphabet
rotting and steaming, filled with red-tipped worms.
O dizzy dizziness, there’s no rest here;
At the heart
of the delectable comes floating. At the borders
of debatable comes zoning. At delight,
whitening mists in which turns of anxiousness--
the blur of a car: is this the road? is this the moment? Is this poisonous?
is this the premise (the promise) (the prefix)
so broken and yet still marked by streaks of light?
Where is this and what are we?
Beaded angel Turquoise Vegetable harp
pluck-dark chalice with green shadow
in-blood sound lotus narrative wingly. Cloud berry
The hoopoes The butterfly yellow, memory
came back year papyrus color alembic. Rosy ribbon
after year, here landed on her lapis remember-red
Secret crypts within the colors
dust us.
Amber is honey reversed.
There was a line of coral, a puncture of
BLOOD as, from a needle where was stuck
that fingertip, and then suck, taking your blood
or the blood of a child into
your mouth.
Such astonishment seeing TIME move, bled
into such a tiny pinprick of the universe,
as temporality hit matter
and set us smashed and shattered
upon the ground of our own wonder.
January-March 2009
Draft 81: Gap
Day of Silence, with newspapers.
Pitch. Of silence.
Can one understand it?
No one knows why.
Aren’t there many reasons?
Yes, but finally.
Can one turn it inside out?
It is probably irreducible.
It is impossible in large, and unbelievable in little.
Couldn’t those terms also be reversed—
unbelievable in large and impossible in little?
But that’s not changing any impact.
We had packed the night before because we were due to leave so early.
It was cold where we were going, and we were a little unprepared.
That saying the name is dangerous and forbidden.
That saying the name is allowed, encouraged. Blessed be the name.
These models will help understanding.
These models are derisory.
As I fell asleep, I bit myself.
Therefore I woke up.
But then I dreamed of missing him and her
At the train. So must have been asleep.
We had been planning this journey for a long time or rather
It had come to us and demanded that we take it.
The what is-ness of it.
The nothing is-ness of it.
To understand something, to understand little,
To understand nothing
Can have parallel outcomes.
I asked my friend for some names of people where we were going
But she never responded.
There are opposites but no choices.
I thought I could not eat,
But I did have some honey.
We rose much too early.
We made small comments about the road while traveling.
For one, it did not seem in very good repair.
Black smoke poured out of the truck exhaust pipe.
“I’m surprised they allow that.”
On the abandoned concrete hut, the graffito RATS
Writ in a brutalist style, last leg of the trip.
What is seen cannot be registered fully
Though it can be placed.
Or perhaps it can be placed
But it cannot be registered fully.
The poisons level off; time erodes something
But not very much.
It seemed normal in an abnormal way.
But that’s only because it really happened.
Maybe “normalized” or “normative” is what I mean.
Meaning loses meaning,
But must still be kept in mind.
No one could invent this.
But someone had to, and others entered their premise.
The door was open, triumphant, trenchant,
With acts, specifications, and deeds,
With tortuous articulations of
intricate and particular events.
Stripped stuff in categories,
And a serious attempt to blow up the evidence.
It is a wall in consciousness of dead air and concrete
That reads out as fenced acreage.
A box of black for everything.
What is everything; what is nothing?
The word is a strange word, but now it is bound to you.
Let the word be bound to you, thongs bind the word
Right between your eyes.
This language uses many letters that are underused
In the Anglophone context.
Z and J and W and K. Plus Y. And C.
Wyz could begin a word;
Zczy could be in the middle.
Therefore it looks strange.
One must be careful of certain feelings.
And we didn’t pack carefully enough.
It changed to threatening. Very unstable.
What do you find the most unbearable?
This is unanswerable.
People take pictures with digital cameras
So little flashes of light pop out of the dimness.
All the rest were unnumbered, uncounted, innumerable.
Zakaz Wchadzenia Na Ruiny.
Keep Off the Ruins.
People stood in small groups
In wonder. Everything was blank.
But slightly inhabited.
ø ø ø
Back in town, at the cemetery,
So many pebbles had been put on headstones
That it looked like the graves were piled with rubble.
June 2006-June 2007
[Non-chronological order of the poems is at author's request]
[Rachel Blau DuPlessis is an American poet-critic, whose on-going long poem project, begun in 1986, has been collected by Salt in 2007 in Torques: Drafts 58-76, as well as in Drafts 1-38, Toll (Wesleyan U.P., 2001) and Drafts 39-57, Pledge, with Draft unnnumbered: Precis (Salt Publishing, 2004). Pitch: Drafts 77- 95 is coming out with Salt early in 2010. DuPlessis was awarded a residency at Bellagio in 2007; she was the recipient of a Pew Fellowship for Artists and of the Roy Harvey Pearce/ Archive for New Poetry Prize, both in 2002.]
Copyright © 2009 by Rachel Blau DuPlessis, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of Copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author.