Issue 6: Edwin Morgan Tribute
a tippexed version of Glasgow Sonnets by Edwin MorganThe work of nick-e melville has been published in magazines and websites across the world, such as, Chapman 106, dirt, eratio, New Writing Scotland 19, One Less, Otoliths, Product 4, Saint Elizabeth Street, Sleeping Fish and xStream; with two extended features at experimental poetry website poems on the Minimalist Concrete Poetry page and an alphabet sequence entitled alphabits. In 2006 a found poetry sequence Office Gnomics (Acton Press 2006) was produced and an issue of Poetry Scotland was dedicated to his poetry in 2005. Recently, one of his visual poems was solicited to illustrate an exhibition CD as part of Liverpool’s biennale 2008. He is also currently taking poetry to a wider audience with his experimental and confrontational band ShellSuit Massacre, which places found poetry next to dance music.