Blackbox manifold

Issue 14: Marco Giovenale

the fall of the text of usher


would be sufficient to modify, with an utter depression of soul

which i can compare to no earthly sensation more properly than to the after-dream of the reveler upon opium, upon

the vacant eye-like windows, the bitter lapse into

every-day life, with the first glimpse of the building, and, a sinking, upon the bleak walls, and the vacant and eye-like windows, with which the mind usually receives even the sternest natural images of the desolate or terrible, i

looked upon the scene before me, upon the mere house, i had

been passing alone, and gazed down, still the analysis of

this power lies among considerations beyond our depth, of the details of the picture, the whole of a dull, i reflected, that a mere different arrangement of the

particulars of the scene, through a singularly dreary tract of country, within view of the melancholy house of usher, but, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, i know not how it was, a

sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit, i reined my horse to the precipitous brink of a black and lurid tarn that lay in

unruffled luster by the dwelling, and the simple landscape features of the domain, dark, on horseback, i say insufferable, or perhaps to annihilate its capacity for

sorrowful impression, upon a few rank sedges,

what was it that so unnerved me in the contemplation of the house of usher? it was a mystery all insoluble, upon the remodeled and

inverted images of the gray sedge, and the ghastly tree stems, i was forced to fall back upon the unsatisfactory conclusion that while, what was it, sentiment, there are combinations of very simple natural objects which have the power of thus affecting us, acting upon this idea, there was an iciness, it was possible, nor could i grapple with

the shadowy fancies that crowded upon me as i pondered, for the feeling was unrelieved by any of that half-pleasurable, and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees,

beyond doubt, and at length found myself, an unredeemed

dreariness of thought which no goading of the imagination could torture into aught of the sublime, a sickening of the heart, because poetic, as the shades of the

evening drew on, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, but with a shudder even more thrilling than before, i paused to think, the hideous dropping off of the veil


through a singularly dreary tract of country, as the shades of the evening drew on, acting upon this idea, and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees, there are combinations of very simple natural objects which have the power of thus affecting us, the whole of a dull, mere different arrangement of the particulars of the scene, and gazed down, or perhaps to annihilate its capacity for sorrowful impression, and the vacant and eye-like windows, still the analysis of this power lies among considerations beyond our depth, upon the mere house, upon the vacant eye-like windows, and, i say insufferable, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens,would be sufficient to modify, what was it that so unnerved me in the contemplation of the house of usher? it was a mystery all insoluble, there was an iciness, with an utter depression of soul, i reined my horse to the precipitous brink of a black and lurid tarn that lay in unruffled luster by the dwelling, it was possible, which i can compare to no earthly sensation more properly than to the after-dream of the reveler upon opium, with which the mind usually receives even the sternest natural images of the desolate or terrible, i had been passing alone, and the ghastly tree stems, sentiment, within view of the melancholy house of usher, but with a shudder even more thrilling than before, i looked upon the scene before me, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit, on horseback, with the first glimpse of the building, and at length found myself, a sickening of the heart, upon the remodeled and inverted images of the gray sedge, i paused to think, upon the bleak walls, the hideous dropping off of the veil, the bitter lapse into every-day life, dark, but, i was forced to fall back upon the unsatisfactory conclusion that while, and the simple landscape features of the domain, i reflected, upon a few rank sedges, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, beyond doubt, of the details of the picture, an unredeemed dreariness of thought which no goading of the imagination could torture into aught of the sublime, because poetic, i know not how it was, for the feeling was unrelieved by any of that half-pleasurable, a sinking, nor could i grapple with the shadowy fancies that crowded upon me as i pondered, what was it


thought the simple dark, the could drew or idea, aught spirit, sinking, it reflected, and sternest a the contemplation horse to sublime, very depression for whole stems, melancholy an or i acting dropping domain, hung to and i of when bitter sense to utter upon the low upon there that pondered, insufferable while, horseback, impression, its and off the are of heart, thrilling features to perhaps upon me, of with know the the house, of with goading i sentiment, beyond it crowded gloom the nor was can which day was, me hideous the i that sorrowful few with i was shudder feeling even that the clouds the i of lay myself, compare reined scene, all of the a of poetic, usher, receives annihilate the a every-day any the no remodeled simple trunks evening insoluble, been which the vacant i the thus the have as fancies of of the unnerved was tract the the the shades upon particulars among arrangement for and length by was soundless in upon a capacity more desolate no which in my still oppressively lurid power the windows, sickening me natural luster upon but a on the of usually considerations and, so than to a what and the of picture, be terrible, sensation a landscape shadowy of building, grapple not imagination images and heavens,would sedge, doubt, the mere that sedges, i upon white images a ghastly how of country, dull, of and into in the even the mystery a insufferable, could but, there of eye-like before tarn that with natural few had of affecting lies scene inverted i before, of mind the think, possible, with down, the brink to after-dream it opium, of unruffled vacant power of the at the eye-like found iciness, to the torture unredeemed the by view mere trees, than our was autumn forced earthly the fall which the usher? analysis that house what of black through of the passing my and this an depth, rank precipitous the bleak i tree as of it dreary a of paused walls, lapse singularly life, us, unsatisfactory the the looked modify, beyond in alone, the windows, of of a different of dwelling, because year, soul, of the veil, gazed house of was of gray unrelieved reveler it half-pleasurable, on, back an and into objects within upon combinations the this glimpse sufficient conclusion decayed upon pervaded more and upon say was first the of properly i dreariness upon the details


back an and into objects wityin upon combinations tye tyis glimpse sufficient conclusion

decayed upon pervaded more and upon say was first tye of properly i dreariness upon tye details, could but, beyond it crowded gloom tye nor was can wyicy day was, tye could drew or idea, been wyicy tye

vacant i tye tyus tye yave as fancies of of tye unnerved was tract tye tye tye syades upon particulars among arrangement for and

lengty by was soundless in upon a capacity more desolate no wyicy in my still oppressively lurid power tye windows, be terrible, it reflected, sensation a

landscape syadowy of building, of tye veil, impression, doubt, of of a different of dwelling, tye brink to after-

dream it opium, soul, tyere of eye-like before tarn

tyat wity natural few yad of affecting lies scene inverted i before, i upon wyite

images a gyastly yow of country, melancyoly an or i acting dropping domain, yung to and i of wyen bitter sense to utter

upon tye low upon tyere tyat pondered, us, usyer, dull, sinking, of and into in tye even tye mystery a insufferable, grapple not imagination images and yeavens, and sternest a tye contemplation yorse to

sublime, of unruffled vacant power of tye at tye eye-like found iciness, of wity goading i sentiment, receives anniyilate tye a every-day any tye no remodeled simple trunks evening insoluble, compare reined scene, tyrilling features

to peryaps upon me, sickening me

natural luster upon but a on tye of usuylly considerations and, tye mere tyat sedges, on, of mind tye tyink, so tyan to a wyat and tye of picture,tyougyt tye simple dark, rank precipitous tye bleak i tree as of it dreary a of paused walls, augyt spirit, tye windows,would sedge,

tyan our was autumn forced eartyly tye fall wyicy tye usyer? analysis tyat youse wyat of black tyrougy of tye passing my and tyis an

depty, its and off tye are of yeart, possible, wity down, gyzed youse of was of gray

unrelieved reveler it yalf-pleasurable, very depression for wyole stems, yorseback, of wity know tye tye youse,

me yideous tye i tyat sorrowful few wity i was syudder feeling even tyat tye clouds tye i of lay myself, because year, lapse singularly life, all

of tye a of poetic, beyond in alone, to tye torture unredeemed tye by view mere trees, insufferable wyile, unsatisfactory tye tye looked



thought the imple dark, the could drew or idea, aught pirit, inking, it reflected, and ternet a the contemplation hore to ublime, verh depreion for whole tem, melancholh an or i acting dropping domain, hung to and i of when bitter ene to utter upon the low upon there that pondered, inufferable while, horeback, impreion, it and off the are of heart, thrilling feature to perhap upon me, of with know the the houe, of with goading i entiment, behond it crowded gloom the nor wa can which dah wa, me hideou the i that orrowful few with i wa hudder feeling even that the cloud the i of lah mhelf, compare reined cene, all of the a of poetic, uher, receive annihilate the a everh-dah anh the no remodeled imple trunk evening inoluble, been which the vacant i the thu the have a fancie of of the unnerved wa tract the the the hade upon particular among arrangement for and length bh wa oundle in upon a capacith more deolate no which in mh till oppreivelh lurid power the window, ickening me natural luter upon but a on the of uuallh conideration and, o than to a what and the of picture, be terrible, enation a landcape hadowh of building, grapple not imagination image and heaven,would edge, doubt, the mere that edge, i upon white image a ghatlh how of countrh, dull, of and into in the even the mhterh a inufferable, could but, there of ehe-like before tarn that with natural few had of affecting lie cene inverted i before, of mind the think, poible, with down, the brink to after-dream it opium, of unruffled vacant power of the at the ehe-like found icine, to the torture unredeemed the bh view mere tree, than our wa autumn forced earthlh the fall which the uher? analhi that houe what of black through of the paing mh and thi an depth, rank precipitou the bleak i tree a of it drearh a of paued wall, lape ingularlh life, u, unatifactorh the the looked modifh, behond in alone, the window, of of a different of dwelling, becaue hear, oul, of the veil, gawed houe of wa of grah unrelieved reveler it half-pleaurable, on, back an and into object within upon combination the thi glimpe ufficient concluion decahed upon pervaded more and upon ah wa firt the of properlh i drearine upon the detail


of txm, horx imprxion, crowdxd

thxrx mhtxrh a upon of particular thx hadx thx inking, domain, poiblx, thx unrxlixvxd upon forcxd and rank building, wa for xnation mh paing a in of whilx, had pauxd and within thx thu horxback, an can wholx to u, to a know dull, ghatlh back half-plxaurablx, hxavxn,would i whxn invxrtxd upon drxw xarthlh icinx, affxcting doubt, wa i that in of of black that vacant propxrlh dwxlling, of houx, mxrx lurid thx that unnxrvxd dxcahxd could uhxr? implx till how xdgx, fxw for thx pxrhap fxw thx

morx which which uttxr unrxdxxmxd bxcaux thx

vxrh i but

fancix dxolatx lxngth to thx xvxn with thx what thx bittxr thx or thx lutxr pondxrxd, dark, a it thx thxrx powxr mh lix anh drxarinx upon of on, it into of thx rxinxd thx of natural objxct xhx-likx houx torturx wa thx window, ickxning trxx thx wa upon of a bxforx thx of a upon lapx than it upon mxrx inolublx, thx that pirit, dropping lifx, analhi thx

thx dxprxion of hung

with thx glimpx inuffxrablx, but, thi xdgx, thx i thx

bxforx, opium, autumn of bxhond xvxning inuffxrablx bh an alonx, upon ublimx, upon arx which mind to mxlancholh thx bh

houx thx low thx it hadowh i think, an thx brink hidxou and comparx landcapx poxtic,

rxcxivx of vxil, of huddxr thx of among imagx

thi bx a fxxling prxcipitou wa lookxd through and and, xnx or upon and to morx thx uhxr, blxak combination cloud of at of gloom picturx, concluion tarn thx

ingularlh a goading xvxrh-dah and thx all dah that and unatifactorh hxar, thx vacant to off trxx, thx thx ufficixnt thx no with down, txrriblx, mx what grah aftxr-drxam wa mx, modifh, havx to rxflxctxd, gawxd not drxarh i vixw opprxivxlh imagination annihilatx thx it i rxmodxlxd fall of xvxn i

orrowful countrh, idxa, rxvxlxr a of thx pxrvadxd wall, aught and i unrufflxd trunk which in could txrnxt i on

conidxration nor thx o arrangxmxnt our oul, wa, it firt in of i whitx cxnx of with xhx-likx dxpth, mhxlf, thrilling that of thx into implx acting hxart, a of a thought

found fxaturx powxr with thx upon grapplx oundlx cxnx, and of thx of diffxrxnt uuallh no a xntimxnt, capacith and contxmplation than wa dxtail of

of of mx tract bxxn of a window, ah natural lah bxhond

imagx thx


of tim, hori imariion, crowdid

thiri mhtirh a uaon of aarticular thi hadi thi inkinu, domain, aoibli, thi unriliivid uaon forcid and rank buildinu, wa for ination mh aainu a in of whili, had aauid and within thi thu horiback, an can wholi to u, to a know dull, uhatlh back half-aliaurabli, hiavin,would i whin invirtid uaon driw iarthlh icini, affictinu doubt, wa i that in of of black that vacant aroairlh dwillinu, of houi, miri lurid thi that unnirvid dicahid could uhir? imali till how idui, fiw for thi airhaa fiw thi

mori which which uttir unridiimid bicaui thi

virh i but

fancii diolati linuth to thi ivin with thi what thi bittir thi or thi lutir aondirid, dark, a it thi thiri aowir mh lii anh driarini uaon of on, it into of thi riinid thi of natural objict ihi-liki houi torturi wa thi window, ickininu trii thi wa uaon of a bifori thi of a uaon laai than it uaon miri inolubli, thi that airit, droaainu lifi, analhi thi

thi diariion of hunu

with thi ulimai inuffirabli, but, thi idui, thi i thi

bifori, oaium, autumn of bihond ivininu inuffirabli bh an aloni, uaon ublimi, uaon ari which mind to milancholh thi bh

houi thi low thi it hadowh i think, an thi brink hidiou and comaari landcaai aoitic,

riciivi of viil, of huddir thi of amonu imaui

thi bi a fiilinu ariciaitou wa lookid throuuh and and, ini or uaon and to mori thi uhir, bliak combination cloud of at of uloom aicturi, concluion tarn thi

inuularlh a uoadinu ivirh-dah and thi all dah that and unatifactorh hiar, thi vacant to off trii, thi thi ufficiint thi no with down, tirribli, mi what urah aftir-driam wa mi, modifh, havi to riflictid, uawid not driarh i viiw oaariivilh imauination annihilati thi it i rimodilid fall of ivin i

orrowful countrh, idia, rivilir a of thi airvadid wall, auuht and i unrufflid trunk which in could tirnit i on

conidiration nor thi o arranuimint our oul, wa, it firt in of i whiti cini of with ihi-liki diath, mhilf, thrillinu that of thi into imali actinu hiart, a of a thouuht

found fiaturi aowir with thi uaon uraaali oundli cini, and of thi of diffirint uuallh no a intimint, caaacith and contimalation than wa ditail of

of of mi tract biin of a window, ah natural lah bihond

imaui thi


from that chamber, and from that mansion, i fled aghast. the storm was still abroad in all its wrath as i found myself crossing the old causeway. suddenly there shot along the path a wild light, and i turned to see whence a gleam so unusual could have issued; for the vast house and its shadows were alone behind me. the radiance was that of the full, setting, and blood-red moon, which now shone vividly through that once barely discernible fissure, of which i have before spoken as extending from the roof of the building, in a zigzag direction, to the base. while i gazed, this fissure rapidly widened—there came a fierce breath of the whirlwind—the entire orb of the satellite burst at once upon my sight—my brain reeled as i saw the mighty walls rushing asunder—there was a long tumultuous shouting sound like the voice of a thousand waters—and the deep and dank tarn at my feet closed sullenly and silently over the fragments of the house of u

Marco Giovenale lives in Rome, where he works as an editor and translator. He’s editor of, recognitiones-ii,, and several websites; he’s founder and editor of (2006) and (2011). In 2011 he took part in the Bury Text Festival (Manchester). His blog is Books in English: a gunless tea (Dusie, 2007), CDK (Tir-aux-pigeons, 2009), anachromisms (Ahsahta Press, 2014), white while (Gauss PDF, 2014). Asemic writing books: Sibille asemantiche (La camera verde, 2008), Asemic Sibyls (Red Fox Press, 2013), This is visual poetry/Marco Giovenale (TIVP series, 2011), Syn sybilles (La camera verde, 2013). Further bio notes here: