Issue 17: Tan Lin

Scalene Unto Thy Wikipedia

(sibling) start a harp

in this ogled phylum

or Alice veg (sub head): with a little

oleander and punish

a spoon will crack today

(award into symbol). Look at yesterday: a gown

was a kind of

traipse crockery and partition in the pollen

On Tuesday significant schlicht and

you, doodling

collagen; (you) threw

chair (lift-off)

and so the names for mending--

those Sojourns Romans

and on Monday I read Wikipedia to the nine year old:

Eckehardt Schlicht is a German economist.

He is best known for his work

in labor economics, custom

in economy, and his


to the field of institutional economics.

and on Monday, short division

and the Sieve of Eratosthenes mean the same

as shrinkage and shrinking, mean I looked

for you on my

phone and a little bit of somebody’s

gossamer reacts

to the Harbor-In-Spam, and

the New-York-in-the-drabness part

of me asked for

some stampeded sunshine

that the organization retracted, that sowed a

pro forma bridge, that was I

plucked and oblong, like the tucking of your draperies

and you pissed Kitty republic of

Print Layout Octagon and Safari Track Model

Our Sullen ratio meant: it wept

another television,

like rice looker i.e. like

the rice that looks like us, like hair list like missed the bus like card like ass

like the university mail system    

hatch with me & my paste is lilac

blah blah blah

Copyright © 2016 by Tan Lin, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of Copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author.