Issue 19: Daniel Y. Harris


Exergue XXIX

Upskirt the coxcomb with an oculus rift. Gregor opts

for rasse and raum, lebensraum, jacked ex nihilo. Shiv

                the shot caller, kick it, surfeit glory in blood out,

slice jitters. Not pathology, a rivulose thallus. What matters

is the bracket under the bouquet. Where is Patagonia?

Copied, against miscegenation. Our begriff is no accident.

The risk’s enceinte. Hand adjuncts prayer and murder.

                Praecedentum tempore et natura or an oblong

hairdo? How squamous. Polytoxicomania is theogony.

Try the rhomboid. Gregor’s pet bonnacon shoots acidic

feces at Tlön, before the potent Victor. Answer in antiphon.

                Drink palsied water. This is the basis for misandry.

It’s either Jeffrey Dahmer or Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory.

Baruch varicose dress, our incarnadine. “Valorize bias,”

                insists Gregor, his mucilage thick with legumes.

Singularitarians don’t cough. Roko’s Basilisk is proof.

They’re off the derech. Reclamations are messy. Adi Da’s

                darśana, notwithstanding. Touché and pari passu.

Line 497:  tmp_str = table_retrieve_val(TABLE_SCAN_

ENABLE, &tmp_len). Nordicise up, hyphenator. FINIS

                FOUNDRY FANATIC. What NRx? Survivalism 

as the outflock vulturic, the crèche, the plastic pittosporum.

Let govcorps rule, seasteading their nudist bodybuilders.

Are the Samsas Moldbugs? Mencius was a psychiatrist.

                Why not? The proxy for IQ is a genetic filter

in the 4channer prod. Vulgar variant in quants. Name

the liquid, Shoggoth. Accelerationist have won.

Exergue XXX

                Christos Anesti signals aücoloris, pinned on a Kek.

Sophia wears her Alemannic brooches. Roman swastika

and Magen David vy for the black sun. That waxy argot

                immiserates, contravenes our Odinism. In rheum,

Judea or Samaria? Identity Evropa is a swan’s red beak

worn by Based Stick Man, cave bellied, white as anemone

                petals. Exterminate the Amalekite tribe. Squeegee

the Gaderenes. Was the chyron a trilobite? Sunburnt hands

and arms for the hoi polloi, who, with paginal stratum, read

lithic manuals. Lord Misrule is on the loose in Eastcheap.

His neurologie our organ congeries. Prank declension

                or omne symbolum de symbolo? Barbwire unfists

its quoits and gray legions. “Out the syntagms,” screams

Sophia, simonizing her Platonic trinity. Alienists march.

                Da Goyim Know is no dog whistle. Too much plexum

in our paleozoic conspiracy, equals seven Imps jumping

fare gates. The penalty, locomotor ataxia or cerrillos

turquoise. We pick horror vacui. Our nomos localizes

our anomie. Line 573: tmp_str = table_retrieve_val(TABLE

_SCAN_QUERY, &tmp_len). Lumi Dolls mate as citterns

                hanker for hymns. Ratify the hoax. From fodere,

phallogocratic, like Roko’s Basilisk. Get pwned. Enter

the golden, sequined clitoris. Parrhesia, not. Rub aphetic

forces on Sophia’s agalma. Shesorts ∼2000 glomeruli

and hocks Pcdhαc2 genes. In parallax gaps, la commedia

è finita. Ecce homo, Pontius Pilatus.   

Exergue XXXI

Maximillian torques ruralities with extensor bins, his Scotus

haecceity, un coup de dés ciphered as odorants. Demodex mites

nest in hair follicles. A thermostat or a photoelectric diode?  

                Ordinatio II, d. 3, p. 1, q. 1, n. 34, bleak asstreptococcus

mutans, is pure perceptronium and vndeedli god. Pietrasanta 

dust covers draped cloth. Draugar die a second death, Maxi.

Vis inertiae or rectilineator? He corrupts our Eyrbyggja saga.  

                Holy City, the eschaton, Ierusalem. Pejorocracy snot.

What pleasures doceat pricks. High five his cruosic force, first

mappemunde and fluent mundo. Mottled eels are eaten. Rad

gap or patriotic pabulum? The Imps microdose tax rates.

Archaism alters their status. Nativist brigades and hepcat

paleocons attack colectivos with wobbly soufflés. The concrete

                detail is purblind, just ask Deus Vult. Dust or scrap,

Kuis Kluxin its catholicity. Drop trou asSnowflakes rub

Gileadbalm on their cuckhold’s red #MAGA hats. Pipe

                bomb our servidão de passagem. Maximillian admits

that human-worm hybrid Leto II Atreides is his father

and jerks Trash Dove. De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine

or WTSHTF? Sack the rotunda, cribbed from forums

                in Kekistan. Normies out! Salvum fac populum tuum.

If at first, fatwa the canon. Line 601: printf(“[scanner] FD%d

retrying with different auth combo!\n”, conn->fd). Syntagmatic

codes are here elite pedo rings run by Melek Taus, Peacock

King and cliché mercenary. Thetica Zorg’s ebulliophobia

is jubilee in this Cemitière du Père Lachaise. Our constraint,

by contrast, declares the dichtung’s in her satchel.

Daniel Y. Harris is the author of 11 collections of poetry and collaborative writing including The Rapture of Eddy Daemon (BlazeVOX, 2016), heshe egregore (with Irene Koronas, Éditions du Cygne, 2016), The Underworld of Lesser Degrees (NYQ Books, 2015), Esophagus Writ (with Rupert M. Loydell, The Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2014) and Hyperlinks of Anxiety (Červená Barva Press, 2013) Some of his poetry, experimental writing, art, and essays have been published in BlazeVOX, The Café Irreal, Denver Quarterly, E·ratio, European Judaism, Exquisite Corpse, Kerem, The New York Quarterly, Notre Dame Review, In Posse Review, The Pedestal Magazine, Poetry Magazine, Poetry Salzburg Review, Stride, Ygdrasil and Zeek. He is Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of X-Peri.