Issue 21: Kyle Lovell

In This Moment

all materials abound

& so we materialise

his wings bent back

by these thumbtacks

as the clause tightens

& twigs are drawn close

with rapt wire round his beak

& suddenly it’s the manner

of hermeneut economics

as to which way his feathers singe

beneath allium bulbs

all royal in tender light

& we note that he burns with grace

when becoming horizontal

& when becoming weight

or less in the cross sight

The Intelligence of Love

after Jon Silkin

The intelligence of love is king, which means

little and less beneath this hacksawed guillotine

carved out of faulty shorelines. We carrion gently

to imagine saltwinds across this land's fresh wound

and tender the severance package of our necked tremor

with a gift basket, as it means so much more with a martyr or two

when saying i-love-you at the person with less to lose;

which is to say, this is a split infinitive of attention

propped against a private symbolism. This is di-

rection to the notion of a love letter, or a body

that writes itself all wrong into the discourse

of timely adorations.

Kyle Lovell is based in Leicestershire. His poetry has been published in The Kindling and Magma, and he is the editor of Fathomsun Press.

Copyright © 2018 by Kyle Lovell, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of Copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author.