Issue 23: Alec Finlay

l’anima feroce

who wants a truce

who owes me the time I can never get back

who wants their dog back now

who wants every dog in the world back

now who wants a truce 

the choice was taken away from me

just to be able to believe in what I fucking believe in

and who believes in me


one-two-three or fuck all

no-one can hide

no subway

where’s my fucking dog 

no-one better breathe

or move a muscle

or they’re fucking dead

no-one ever again

if I don’t get what I want

my way or the fucking highway

who wants anything natural

man-made or in my fucking head

who controls nature

who controls demolition

who controls that fucking blue thing over there

who controls any machines

made by man nature anything

who tried to shut down Luton

who tried to shut down Milton Keynes

anyone working on the site at Fletchers Mews

who tried to shut down the world

now who wants a truce

who wants protection

you choose

is there anywhere safe in Milton Keynes

if you want safety

or the security of your children

who told me where my place would be

because I can’t remember

who wants to live again

who can tell me where the fuck’s my dog

you better stop making me make decisions

I can’t make

you better get under here right now

pull those gates away

and turn this round

you’ve all seen the film

you said no sides

you forced me to do something

and you’ve got to choose

the truth now any colour

black-and-white-unite two-tone

who doesn’t want to believe

any film I want to create

who wants to put this in a book

who wants to talk about suicide

where’s my freedom

I want the truth here right fucking now

if you take things from me I had no choice

who thinks they’re safe now

who thinks their kids and family are safe now

who is your security

who wants to play now

now who wants the truth

if you want stars to shine at night

where the fuck’s my dog lily

Alec Finlay (Scotland, 1966-) is a poet and artist whose work crosses over a range of media and forms. Much of his work considers how we as a culture, or cultures, relate to landscape and ecology, with a specific interest in place-awareness, hutopianism, and rewilding. Finlay established morning star publications in 1990. A retrospective of his publishing was held at The Poetry Centre, University of Tucson in 2018.

He has published over forty books and won six Scottish Design Awards, including two Grand Prix Awards (2001, 2015). Recent publications include a far-off land (2018), gathering (2018), th' fleety wud (2017) minnmouth (2017), A Variety of Cultures (2016), ebban an’ flowan (2015), and Global Oracle (2014).

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