Issue 24: Rupert Loydell
In Your Mind
'I like the idea of telling myths really.'
– Jon Savage, Vague #21
communique #1
the map is not the territory
the territory is undefined
beneath the pavement
the infrastructure of revolution
communique #2
suggestion below the level of hypnosis
may be a useful tool for revolution
or to predict the future
always aim to make things happen
interface with each other's dreams
a kind of social energy discharge
what are your real desires?
communique #3
in your mind
the ice is melting
speak under your breath
of things that matter
go on a trip elsewhere
so they cannot find you
(chose the target himself
but he's dead so can't be sued)
communique #4
the two events may be simplified as follows:
it happened here
it no longer matters
communique #5
no evidence of the beyond
even with gizmos for producing said
scowling and shuffling between
innocence and victimhood
does the message make sense?
no control over free expression
a complex emptiness
for anyone who wants to see
an innate sense
of the radiant universe
connections with
how they were lost
communique #6
the two theories may be simplified as follows:
authority carries too little weight
war is a matter of perseverance
communique #7
the dialectics of despair
violent inequalities
the invocation of how
political cover-ups
rationalised disorganisation
mass market shenanigans
irresponsible study groups
vandalism and nihilism
decentralised networks
snitches and sneaks
destroy everything
graffiti among the ruins
international conspiracy
a new apocrypha
intense intoxication
antimatter propaganda
persecution and misrepresentation
scrapyard parties
too many lost tribes
theatre of operations
the discontent
previous efforts
anarcho-punk slums
flashpoint wonderland
rough justice
consumer critique
the very last dance
no compensation due
communique #8
the future is ours
despair ends
and tactics begin
god did not tell you to do it
(defence rests)
Rupert Loydell is Senior Lecturer in the School of Wriitng and Journalism at Falmouth University, a writer, editor and abstract artist. He has many books of poetry in print, including A Confusion of Marys, Dear Mary, The Return of the Man Who Has Everything, Wildlife and Ballads of the Alone, all published by Shearsman, and Talking Shadows from Red Ceilings.
Shearsman also published Encouraging Signs, a book of essays, articles and interviews. He has also authored many collaborative works; and edited Smartarse and co-edited Yesterday’s Music Today for Knives Forks and Spoons Press, From Hepworth’s Garden Out: poems about painters and St Ives for Shearsman, and Troubles Swapped for Something Fresh: Manifestos and Unmanifestos for Salt.
Copyright © 2020 by Rupert Loydell, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of Copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author.