Issue 33: Miranda Lynn Barnes

The mysteries of moving water


any arbour

in a storm


the gnarls

are channels


in the bark

a tree outstretched


invites the fire

down through


every rotten scar

closer to the core


a lightning strike

a heavy rain


rending the cruciform

of her arms


just by its weight



did you spread

yourself open


too far did

you let the rain


of grace tear

you apart


did your leaves

tremble beneath


the wind of something

they called a greater









what pollutants

can I trace to you

toxic tenant?


right here

the very year

your forest fire


emolliated tender cambium

a little circle scar

but the rings


kept forming

growing over

the ember


still resident in my tissue

Miranda Lynn Barnes is a poet from the US living near Nottingham, England. Her debut pamphlet, Blue Dot Aubade, was published with V. Press in 2020. Formulations, a chapbook of new poetic forms based in chemistry, was co-written with Stephen Paul Wren and published in March 2022 (Small Press/Tangent Books). Her poem ‘In the Pines’ was awarded second place in the Verve Poetry Competition 2023, judged by Forward Prize winner Kim Moore. Miranda’s poems are widely published in journals and anthologies, both in the UK and abroad. Find out more at

Copyright © 2025 by Miranda Lynn Barnes, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of Copyright law. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the notification of the journal and consent of the author.